Sunday 16 November 2014

learning strategies

Learning strategies as well as the planning of activities designed to achieve educational goals. Inside there is a method of learning strategies, techniques and utilization of resources and power that aims to achieve educational goals.

Today the term learning has been developed. Making of learning can be procedural and programmatic. Learning programmatically can be interpreted as components of learning design in which there are potions proefisional of teachers to convey to students. While procedurally, learning is the interactions that occur between teachers and students and the learning environment.

Social studies learning strategies are also a lot of development experience. Neither of the methods, media and practices contained in the learning activities. IPS is a subject that is integral to the curriculum, so it needs to be submitted with the attractive as possible. Some evolving concept is a good idea to consider. It would be a good instrument when learning approach that is designed from the theory of education can be effective.

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